mickel therapy® treatment

Great mystery used to surround the treatment that is Mickel Therapy®. This was probably due to some of the terms used and the fact that a talking therapy claimed to treat the very physical conditions of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME and Fibromyalgia. 

Dr Mickel has always said that he felt that the medical world was not ready to accept the existence of an innate Smart Body or Body Intelligence and this has been true for over 20 years of Mickel Therapy®. Nonetheless the treatment is actually based on the acceptance of the existence of this Body Intelligence. Hopefully the description of the treatment steps below will allow people seeking our help to understand what is involved.

The Hypothesis

Dr Mickel believes that the conditions of CFS, ME and Fibromyalgia are states of chronic and intractable ‘fight or flight’. He describes a state of ‘Hypothalamitis’ in his short book and video


Dr Mickel uses no laboratory or other scientific tests to prove or disprove his hypothesis. As long as sufferers still report excellent results with the treatment process then he feels the study of the pathophysiology should be left to researchers.


In order to get full benefit from your Mickel Therapy® you are asked to embrace the existence of a Body Intelligence which is independent of your Head (cognitive brain). For many this can be a stretch of their beliefs. An example would be of a gut feeling whereby we just know something intuitively. We can walk into a room and sense an emotional discomfort within us. A baby cries at birth despite having no language to create a cognitive appraisal of the emotional challenge of what it has just gone through.


These examples point towards a subconscious intelligence that we refer to as the Emotional Body, the Innate or simply the Body. One of the Body’s roles in our life is to guide us through an unpredictable world. We believe that it uses emotional signals or feelings to do this. These emotions are not the same as the emotions that our Head (cognitive brain) produces through our thought patterns. 


Mickel Therapy® believes that we are raised to be very focused on our Head cognitions at the cost of our intuitive, emotional truths and this leads over time to a chronic ‘fight or flight’ state and symptoms of CFS, ME and Fibromyalgia. In other words the Head has started to rule the Heart.


The Initial Sessions

Your initial sessions are really designed to encourage you to start to experience your existence through the eyes of your Innate or Body Intelligence. How it communicates with you through your feelings or emotions. This involves understanding the difference between thought created emotions and true Body emotions.


Further to this you will be shown the simplicity behind symptoms and the message that they hold for you. This sounds very complicated but it is not. Each symptom that we experience is a communication from our Innate or Smart Body intelligence. The confusion in energy disorders such as CFS, M.E and Fybromyalgia is what Mickel Therapy® is designed to unravel.


For example the crippling fatigue in energy disorders does not respond to rest. This is deeply frustrating for sufferers. It is because the message contained within the symptoms is nothing to do with a request from the Innate Body Intelligence for you to rest. It uses healthy tiredness for this purpose. Instead it is a commentary on underlying Body emotions that often your cognitive brain did not even know was there.


Throughout your sessions Mickel Therapy® teaches you to translate your increases in symptoms into underlying Body emotions and explores what actions they require to appease them. In this way our clients report that the symptoms reduce and then stop. Presumably this breaks the cycle of chronic ‘fight or flight’ and allows a person to feel normal again.

The Keys to Health

During his treatment of people with the energy disorders such as CFS, M.E and Fibromyalgia, Dr Mickel discovered the 3 Keys to Health. These were based on how people responded to their Innate Body’s emotions in a way that not only sped up their recovery but kept them healthy. They are listed below:


Key 1: Create clear boundaries around unfair treatment from others using loving disallowance. 

People are often victims of unfairness from others around them. This creates a Body emotional response of hurt and anger. This empowering Key is called upon when this happens.


Key 2: Communicate your feelings honestly.

This Key is really used to facilitate the other two keys. While, more often than not, our actions speak louder than words, it is nonetheless important to be in a safe environment where we can communicate openly and honestly.


Key 3: Put yourself first before others.

Not to be confused with becoming selfish, this key is about the importance of Self. It is especially fitting for carers and mothers. Put simply if you do not fit your oxygen mask first then you will be in no fit state to be available for others. It also leads us to explore the rather strange state of Body Boredom or lack of fulfilment of the Self. This is what leads suffers of the energy disorders to experience the confusing situation whereby we are doing something that our cognitive brain knows as enjoyable but, in that moment, the Innate Body Intelligence stops being fulfilled.


Tired of being fatigued?

If you are interested in undergoing Mickel Therapy® then find a trained Practitioner.