Understanding the Body and its Dis-ease

The conflict between Body and Head and how it leads to conditions such as CFS, M.E and Fibromyalgia

Physically, the Body is an incredibly complicated collection of cells both solid and in fluid form. It is, however, far more than just that – it contains consciousness. The term ‘body-mind’ is used frequently these days to touch on the fact that perhaps it is not just our Ego mind’s that do the thinking. Mickel Therapy®, since its development 25 years ago, has advocated for the existence of an intelligent, omniscient and often subconscious awareness in us all – the Body. This short article lays out Dr Mickel’s version of the interaction between our Body and our Heads and how this creates dis-ease.

The Conflict

The Body

The term ‘Body’ in Mickel Therapy® is used to describe the intelligence within. The intuitive knowing that we display from birth. Over the years it has been accepted that ‘what we think, we feel’. Mickel Therapy® would argue, however, that we feel first and then we think. In other words our true primal emotions arise before thought and therefore have nothing to do with our state of mind (Head). In this way babies display very fluid emotional responses to their world before they have developed the cognitive language centre in their brains. They have not had a negative thought that preceded their screams of hunger or indeed a happy thought that made them smile. Mickel Therapy® works on the premise that the Innate Body intelligence contains all the answers that we need.

The Head

Unlike the Body intelligence, we are all aware of the existence of the thinking brain, ego or Head. It is undoubtably very clever in its own way. Huge industry has been created in trying to understand it and exert control over it in an attempt to avoid ill health. It taints our world using filters such as generalisations, deletions and distortions. These generally lead to a sense of unhappiness in us all. Attempts to control it and change its patterns of thinking have lead to innumerable branches of psychological intervention and medication to alter its chemistry. In terms of Chronic Fatigue syndrome, M.E and Fibromyalgia, Mickel Therapy® would argue that these interventions are doomed to fail because they do not have any influence on the conflict that arises between the Innate Body intelligence and the egotistical Head.

The Dis-ease of Conflict

Imagine that there are two, often opposing, intelligences or consciousnesses within all of us namely the Body and the Head. In simple terms dis-ease at a cellular level is created when our Head is allowed to override the primal and pure intelligence of our Body. Mickel Therapy® teaches that the Body’s role in our life is to guide us through an unpredictable world. It does this by creating true, inarguable emotions. These are not the same type of emotions created by our thinking processes which come from the Head. Our Body emotions arise spontaneously with no thoughts involved – a bit like when you have an intuitive feeling when you walk into a room and something doesn’t feel right.

So, our Body emotions contain truthful and inarguable information relating to any given situation that we experience in order that we are guided in our actions and choices. Sadly this beautifully organic process does not proceed as naturally as it does in babies and young children. Each emotion has a direct effect on the vibrational function of our cells. The effect of this when they are blocked or suppressed leads to dis-ease within the cell. In other words an energy disorder begins to form such as CFS, M.E and Fibromyalgia, to name but a few. Our Heads are packed full of echoing memories of the conditions that are imposed upon us by culture, society and our well-meaning parents. These ‘rules of life engagement’ create the conflict that leads to dis-ease.

Returning to a state of Ease

Mickel Therapy® has been designed to end the conflict and help return your cells to their rightful state of well-being. By individualising the process to each person, we remind you of your personal Body intelligence, coach you in understanding its communication and guide you through your recovery.